First Friday December 1, 2023 

Guards of Honor 1st Friday / December 2023 Fr. David Bellusci, OP 

“My Heart has expected reproach and misery and I looked for one who would grieve together with Me, but there was none; and for one that would comfort me, and I found none!” (Ps. 68)


In her letter written in 1686 to Mother Greyfié at Semur, we find a remarkable expression of St. Margaret Mary’s humility. Addressing

Mother Greyfié, Margaret Mary wonders whether there is anything about her (Margaret Mary) that does not deserve divine

chastisement. Margaret Mary even wonders whether she may have been deceived by Satan. We have a sense not only that Margaret

Mary acknowledges her unworthiness in being a chosen messenger for these apparitions of the Sacred Heart, reflecting her humility, Margaret Mary is not even certain if these Revelations come from God. Having now been regarded as a “hypocrite” by a fellow Sister,

Margaret Mary wonders, if in fact, she is correct, that Margaret Mary is indeed a hypocrite. Rather than doubting the Sister who made

such remarks or reacting defensively against the Sister, Margaret Mary confirms that what the Sister said is true: she, Margaret Mary,

is a hypocrite. We discover in this letter to Mother Greyfié the exceptional humility of Margaret Mary. The painful situation in which

Margaret Mary finds herself, she uses as an opportunity to grow in holiness; rather than negating the comments of the Sister and responding in a prideful manner, Margaret Mary examines herself, her heart, and soul. As we find ourselves approach the Advent season, we can also probe the purity of our souls and hearts, of our intentions and reactions, whether we are governed by pride or humility. As Guards of Honour and consolers of the Sacred Heart, we need to ask God for the grace to wipe away our filth so our hearts may be purified as we prepare ourselves to receive the Christ Child into our hearts.

Humility of the Heart of Jesus, shape my heart.

Prayer to Renew Our Fidelity and Devotion 

Divine Jesus, my Saviour and my King, with all my heart I renew the promise which I have made to love, to glorify and to console Your adorable Heart as a member of the Guard of Honor. Grant O good Master, to make me daily more loving, more devoted and more faithful. I ask this same grace for all the Associates through the Immaculate Heart of Your Mother. AMEN